THIS program help you previous SSC Board my program help you to Enter the percentage & output best collages Name.
I this program you we enjoy do not be serious OK.
int main()
int pass;
printf("enter the percentage of SSC BORDS\n");
scanf("%d", &pass);
printf("you have entered percentage :%d\n",pass);
if (pass>=90)
printf("collage name is M.S DOSHI COLLAGE");
else if (pass>=80)
printf("collage name is S.R.P COLLAGE");
else if (pass>=70)
printf("collage name is naranyan guru");
else if (pass>=60)
printf("collage name is achariya collage sicence and art");
else if (pass>=50)
printf("collage name is ideal collage sicence and commerce or arts");
else if (pass>=40)
printf("collage name is K.J somiya collage");
else if (pass==35)
printf("collage name is Dr. babashab Amedkar collage");
printf("So sorry! YOUR PERCENTAGE LASS THAN 35 percentage try next time ");
return 0;